Illinois Summer Research Program Alliance (ISRPA)

We are currently seeking sponsors for the 2025!

STEM Career Exploration and Symposium

For more information about the benefits of becoming a sponsor and sponsoring opportunities, please review our Sponsorship Packet below.

Sponsorship inquiries can be sent to the Co-chair of the Illinois Summer Research Program Alliance, Britt Carlson,

July 24, 2025

Illini Union at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Full Program and Speaker Schedule – will be updated in late Spring 2025.

K-12 Teachers

ISBE PDHs are available to attend this event. There will be a separate check-in and check-out process so please see the staff at the registration desk for information.

The Presenter Schedule will be available here in the summer 2025.

Oral Presenters: 

Arrive at least 10 minutes before your session starts so the moderator can ensure that everyone is present and everything is ready to go. Please plan on your presentations to be 10 minutes long and then a ~3 minute Q&A session. This will still allow for about 2 minutes for switching between speakers.

Poster Presenters:

Drop off your poster when you check in — we will have bins available. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your session to retrieve and hang your poster. Push pins will be available. Make sure to hang your poster in the correct numbered spot. Your poster can be a maximum size of 3ft x 4ft. Be prepared to explain your project in 5-10 minutes as people visit you. Check with your program coordinator about your submission due date and if there are additional format requirements.

Science Slam (Lightning Talk):

Prepare a 3-minute, one-slide talk for a non-expert audience (think – middle schoolers, friends who are non-STEM majors, etc.) to communicate your research topic in an engaging, entertaining format. You will present live. No videos are allowed in this format, and keep in mind the strict 3-minute time limit. The Illinois Graduate College Research Live! has some great examples from Illinois graduate students:

Students may review these resources to create their poster/ presentation and present at this event. Please check with your program to see if they have a specific template or other expectations.

Participating Employer Partners


Participating Professional Organizations


Networking Fair Participant Information

  • Check-in at the special area for partners
  • Tables are 8ft long with two chairs provided
  • Please make sure devices are charged, as electrical hook-ups are not provided.

Parking Information

We have a limited number of parking spots available for non-UIUC visitors. These parking spots are first-come-first-served, do not require a permit hang tag, and are at bagged meters found in these two locations (both located about 0.3mile from the Illini Union): Click here for the Parking Map

Lot B1: located at the corner of Goodwin and Springfield Avenues: 19 bagged meter parking spots

S. Mathews Street between Springfield Ave and Green St: 45 bagged meter parking spots

If those locations are full, there are nearby metered spots that you will need to pay for. Note if you park at a UIUC-owned meter: UIUC requires the use of parking apps to pay for these meters. Three different apps can be used. More information can be found here:

There are a large number of UIUC-owned metered spots near Turner Hall – both in Lot F28 and along Dorner Drive. These are located about 0.8 mi south of the Illini Union – if you enter through the south side of the Illini Union, make sure to follow the signs to the check-in at the 1st-floor north lounge. There are also some City of Urbana metered parking spots on Goodwin Ave between Nevada St. and Springfield Ave, but they may have a restricted time limit.

We also have a few bagged meter parking spots available at the Illini Union itself. These spots require a permit hang tag, and we are setting these aside for visitors with any accessibility concerns. To notify the event coordinators of your interest in these spots and to make arrangements to pick up the permit hang tag, please email Britt Carlson: as soon as possible.

Illinois Materials Research Science and Engineering Center


Students Pushing Innovation Internship Program


The Future of Discovery: Training Students to Build and Apply Open Source Machine Learning Models and Tools


Illinois Developing Equity in Astrophysics Summer School


Computing Research Association’s Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates


Thank you to our sponsors: