UROP Summer 2025

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Faculty/Staff

Illinois Space Grant Consortium’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (UROP) allows students to work in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) research positions that complement their studies and supports NASA-related research. Undergraduate students will be supported to work in an intensive 10-week program under the guidance of a faculty member or research scientist and their graduate student(s) at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. 

The NASA/Illinois Space Grant and faculty/researcher contributions support the program. Students will each receive a total maximum amount of $7,000 in support. The Illinois Space Grant Consortium will provide a stipend covering 43% of the support ($3,000), with the remaining support covered by the faculty mentor ($4,000).  The Illinois Space Grant portion is paid as a fixed stipend, while the faculty contribution is paid through an appointment with a set hourly wage.  Students must participate in the program (working on the project or attending the summer seminar series) approximately 40 hours/week.   

ISGC is required to provide a 1:1 cost-share on NASA space grant funding. On this campus, this is done through faculty effort; usually, this is assessed on 5-10% of a faculty member’s 9-month salary. You will NOT lose any funding or pay due to this requirement.

In addition to conducting research, all UROP students will be invited to participate in a series of 1-hour workshops on research ethics, giving a technical talk, writing a technical paper, applying to graduate school, presenting best practices, etc.  We ask that you encourage students to attend at least five seminars.

At the end of the summer, each student will write an abstract summary, create a poster, and participate in a one-day symposium to share their research with their peers and other interested people. 

UROP is open to all undergraduate students in good academic standing who are interested in research in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM fields). As in all Space Grant programs, emphasis is placed on involving students from underrepresented groups (i.e., women and underrepresented minorities). Note: The program is also open to recently graduated seniors (Spring 2024). 

Please fill out the form below to submit your project information. Your project information will be posted on the ISGC website for students to apply to specific projects of interest.  Please include information on how your project is related to NASA OSTEM’s mission and goals. You can see these goals here – NASA Strategy for STEM Engagement.

Students select their top three choices and complete the application. When applications close, I will send you their information so you can select the student(s) you would like to work with on your project. 

If you are already working with an undergraduate student(s) to whom you would like to offer the position, please fill out the form above (the form has been updated to allow you to skip some information as it is not required).

The descriptions will be posted here on the ISGC website.  Students will then be able to apply to the projects.

Funding will be released incumbent upon authorization of funds by NASA. Placements will not be made until NASA has authorized the funding.

Contact Heidi with any questions at hbjerke2@illinois.edu

UROP 2025 Timeline (this is updated to place students earlier)
  • December 2, 2024– Faculty/Mentor Project Descriptions are Due
  • December 6, 2024 – Student Application Opens
  • January 31, 2025– Student Application Closes
  • February 7, 2025 – Applicant information/recommendation sent to faculty/mentor
  • February 21, 2025 – Faculty/Mentor selections sent to Heidi
  • February 26, 2025 – Offer letters sent to students
  • March 21, 2025 – Students accept or decline the offer (Faculty/Mentor will be informed immediately)
  • April 14, 2025 – Student stipends and appointments established
  • May 19 or 26, 2025 – UROP starts(flexible upon Faculty/Mentor approval)
  • July 25 or August 1, 2025 – UROP ends (flexible upon Faculty/Mentor approval)
  • Late July Summer Symposium TBD